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Scrambled Eggs

1. Crack 3 eggs into a bowl 2. Add 2 tbsp milk or cream 3. Whisk until combined 4. Heat pan over medium heat 5. Add butter and let melt 6. Pour eggs, stir gently until set 7. Season with salt and pepper Press [H] to return to menu

Eggs Over Easy

1. Heat non-stick pan over medium heat 2. Add butter and let melt 3. Crack eggs carefully into pan 4. Cook until whites are mostly set 5. Flip gently with spatula 6. Cook 30 seconds 7. Season with salt and pepper Press [H] to return to menu

Eggs Over Medium

1. Heat non-stick pan over medium heat 2. Add butter and let melt 3. Crack eggs carefully into pan 4. Cook until whites are completely set 5. Flip gently with spatula 6. Cook 1-2 minutes for medium yolk 7. Season with salt and pepper Press [H] to return to menu

Hard Fried Eggs

1. Heat pan over medium-high heat 2. Add oil and let heat 3. Crack eggs into pan 4. Cook until whites are set 5. Flip and cook 2-3 minutes 6. Yolk should be fully set 7. Season with salt and pepper Press [H] to return to menu

Soft Boiled Eggs

1. Bring water to gentle boil 2. Lower eggs in carefully 3. Set timer for 6 minutes 4. Prepare ice bath 5. Remove eggs to ice bath 6. Peel under running water 7. Season with salt and pepper Press [H] to return to menu

Chorizo and Eggs

1. Cook chorizo in pan 2. Break up while cooking 3. When nearly done, add 4 beaten eggs 4. Stir gently to combine 5. Cook until eggs are set 6. Serve with warm tortillas 7. Add hot sauce if desired Press [H] to return to menu

Eggs and Bacon

1. Cook bacon until crisp 2. Remove bacon, leave 2 tbsp fat 3. Crack eggs into pan 4. Cook to desired doneness 5. Season with salt and pepper 6. Serve with crispy bacon 7. Add toast if desired Press [H] to return to menu

Eggs with Corned Beef Hash

1. Heat hash in pan until crispy 2. Create wells in hash 3. Crack eggs into wells 4. Cover pan with lid 5. Cook until whites are set 6. Season with salt and pepper 7. Serve with toast Press [H] to return to menu